Thursday, August 1, 2013


The last two weeks have been  incredibly hard. Alot of big changes took place. Due to things beyond our control we are not adopting the sisters we were hoping too and for now our home is closed to care.Our family needs prayers! On a positive note J and S are legally ours!! I have not heard from Tigger. I am praying she is doing well in the rehab program. We did take a short vacation and the kids had a absolute blast! We can't wait for Disney in march!! And I am thinking hard about Texas next summer! We have to have storms to enjoy the sunshine!! I am hanging on to that thought.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Gabby Girl

My dearest Gabby Girl.
       I was told yesterday that you grew your angel wings. At first I cried tears until I realized that you were dancing with your Mandy like the day at our house. I can just picture Mandy -you know you were the only one who could call her that- waiting for you at heavens gate. I am sure she took your hands and danced with you. Yes you can dance now Gabby girl your broken body is healed!! You can run and jump an yes dance with your feet! You don't have to dance in some one elses arms! I am smiling picturing it. I hugged your mommy last night. She is sad right now but knows you are in a far better place.

    Fly with the angels Gabby girl

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

And the kitchen sink too

I thought would give you a update on what's been going on lately.

Tigger- She was offered and accepted a deal. If she completes a rehab program her jail term will be suspended. We are praying she has a open heart and mind.

Our guests- They are still with us. We took them to the Dr. and they both are healthy! Next is the dentist! We love having them here and they are settling in. They do have wounds though. Please pray for them.

Our new girls- We met with their new caseworker and we should have them Aug. 5th!!! We are very excited!

Vacation- I booked rooms at a resort last night for the twenty first of this month! We are going for just one night. We are excited though. Will be our first vacation together. I may need my head examined I love giving my kids experiences. In Feb we are shooting for Florida!!

Me- I go to the Dr tomorrow I am hoping he takes my central line out. I am getting stronger and feeling much better!!

Adoption- Two weeks and J and S will be legal!! Seems like it has taken forever. J is excited and telling everyone S dosnt get what the fuss is over... For awhile I thought they would complete our family. God had different plans!

Houses- Our house is getting closer to being done! We are praying we are moved before winter!! I love seeing it being built...can't wait till we are living in it.
The house my sister and brother on law are buying was inspected last night. The electric system failed the inspection. They could use.prayers for wisdom.

I think that's all the updates!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Happy Birthday??

Imagine for your 18th birthday instead of cake and presents you got homelessness and no hope. Instead of a new car and promises of a college education you got a dead end job ...if you have a job at all and no education ...maybe not even a high school diploma.

    Happy Birthday??


27,000 children age out foster care
every year.

25% of those don't have a high school diploma or ged.

At age twenty three ...

    Less than half were employed.

    25% were homeless.

    60% had been convicted of a crime.

      80% have been arrested.

     6% had a two or four year degree.




Out in the cold

A girl I used to work with showed up at our fourth of July picnic. I told her if she needed anything to call me and gave her my card. Her and her sister aged out of foster care and have no support or skills. You may think this is uncommon but it's not. It's actually very common. Anyways they showed up at our cabin tired and hungry with no where to go. They apologized for not calling first but they had no phone. Not sure what will happen but for now they have somewhere to sleep and food to eat and of.course people who love them. For these two there are many more who don't have those things today.Who are cold,hungry,tired,unloved. This is a national tragedy in my opinion!

Thursday, July 4, 2013


We had teens and young adults from a local drop in center out today for a 4th of July lunch(which ended early because of the rain). I loved being able to fill their bellys and let them know we care but....
Who is going to love them?

Who will champion them?

Who will let them know they are special?

Who will cry for them?

Who will push them when they need a shove?

Who will let them know this world is a better place because they are here?

           Maybe that person is YOU!